Contact an Account ManagerAnalysis of pesticides in soil (soil sample from a hop garden)
Type: GC
Application #: 200722
Catalog#: 726022.50 - GC Column, Optima-17, 0.25mm, 0.25um, 50m
Detection: ECD, 2^7
Conditions: Injection volume: 0.5 ul, splitless, 280 °C
Carrier gas: 250 kPa H2
Temperature: 80 °C to 240 °C, 30 °C/min, to 280 °C, 6 °C/min
Authors: Lembacher
Source: Germany
Legend: 1. Alodan (int. std.) 4 µg
2. Endosulfan alpha 3 µg (0.1 ppm)
3. Endosulfan beta 10.3 µg (0.4 ppm)
4. Endosulfan sulphate 13.2 µg (0.5 ppm)